Category Archives: vt50

Photo of the Day: BTV 50 – Aram Bedrosian

This past New Year’s Day, at around 4 A.M., I found myself in a basement nightclub on Broadway in New York, riding my second (or perhaps third) wind of the night after being in turns impressed and shocked by my very first Touchpants performance. In addition to veteran performers such as Phish drummer Jon Fishman, […]

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Photo of the Day: BTV 50 – Jane Beaumont-Snyder

Several months ago I had the beautiful and charismatic singer/actress Jane Beaumont-Snyder up to the studio for some portraits. Trained in classical voice, dance and acting, Jane has also dabbled in poetry, massage therapy, astrology, organic farming and philosophy. You may have caught her wowing the audience in Spielpalast Cabaret, Orkestriska’s Box and host of other plays […]

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Photo of the Day: BTV 50 – Kat Wright

Happy New Year everyone!! Looking back, I can honestly say 2012 was an incredible year. After wrapping up a crazy busy fall with tons of assignments, weddings and commercial work, my partner Judd and I took off for a whirlwind trip through Australia and New Zealand (images to come!), getting back just in time for […]

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